
We’re two work friends who have navigated over 10 years of “work stuff” together. We each have over 20+ years of Talent, Business, and Leadership experience and we want to make all this work sh*t work for you!

Francesca Ranieri, Your Work Friends Podcast Co-Host

Francesca Ranieri

On a mission to have real conversations about work!

Talent Exec passionate about sharing the rules of the game so employees can make the best choices for themselves, and so work can be more fun and joyful.

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Mel Plett, Your Work Friends Podcast Co-Host

Mel Plett

Interested in elevating the human focus in HR.

Mel is a personal and executive coach, as well as HR Consultant working towards building better workplaces. A lifelong learner and HR leader passionate about facilitating, and engaging in, conversations around the future of work with humans at the heart of every decision.

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